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you are your best brand ambassador

you are your best brand ambassador

I held on to an old story/belief for as long as I could remember – “I’m not good at sales.”

And I applied this in all areas of my life:

- I can’t do / don’t wanna do sales jobs

- I don’t do well in job interviews because I hate having to sell myself

- I feel like I’m begging people when I need to sell

- sometimes dating feels like job interviews. I wish I could just skip the part of trying to “find someone” and jump straight into the relationship I want

So on and so forth.

Until one day when I was sharing with a stranger my passion and actively promoting it, I suddenly realized that I had no problem promoting (selling) people/products/services/places I love and truly believe in, and in fact, I actually enjoyed it, because I wanted to share my joy with others!

That was when it hit me what the problem was with my old narrative – I never truly believed in myself!

I wasn’t in love with my whole self. I wasn’t passionate about being myself. And with that awareness, I started to change… slowly but surely.

Remember, you are your best brand ambassador! Do you believe in your true self?


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